Configuring HTTPD Server and Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container
→ DEVOPS is one Technology ; Docker is a part of Devops ←
Hello Connections!!😃
In this article, we will going to learn about Docker🐋 and one of its application.
🌀 Task-Description:-
🔅Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container.
🔅Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container.
Let’s learn some basics:-
♦️ What is DOCKER?
Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Docker has a capability to launch OS in 1 second which is called as docker container. It is highly efficient with low latency and high speed. Here, Containerization is a technology and docker is one of its highly used product.
♦️ What is WEBSERVER?
A Web-Server delivers content for a website to a client that requests it, like a web browser. The HTTP server is a product of Apache Community. The main job of a web server is to display website content through storing, processing and delivering webpages to users.
✳️So let’s perform the Task -1—
🔅Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container.
1.) Install Docker
#yum install docker-ce --nobest
2.) Check Docker version
#docker version
3.) Start the docker service and Check status
#systemctl start docker
#systemctl status docker
4.)Before launch any OS, required OS image for that
#docker pull <imageName>:<version>
#docker pull centos:7
5.) Check docker images
#docker images
6.)Launch a docker container
#docker run -i -t --name <Enter any Container name> <os image>:<version>#docker run -i -t --name WebServer centos:7
7.)Install HTTPD software
#yum install httpd
>>Gives error‼️
⚡Try to start httpd service by using command:-
#systemctl start httpd
>>Again gives error, “systemctl” doesn’t work in docker container‼️
⚡In order, To solve this error run the above service start and status commads in base OS-RHEL8 , it gives you path → “/usr/sbin/httpd” , so, in docker container, we directly give this path from where software has configured or come. You can also use ‘#which httpd’ command inside docker container to see the path.
# /usr/sbin/httpd
Now, the httpd service has been started🔥.
8.) Create one html file inside document root directory: /var/www/html and write some html code
# cd /var/www/html/
# vi webserver.html //Create one html file and write some code inside it
# ls //list all files
9.) Check the IP-Address of docker container
To check this, use #ifconfig command but it gives error like command not found‼️. Now, To solve this error, we know every command comes from a software (or package), so by using yum , we can find out this:
#yum whatprovides ifconfig
⚡Then, it shows one package i.e. net-tools, install this software using command:
#yum install net-tools
10.) Open any browser and provide URL given as:
→ http://<docker container ip-address>/<html file>.html
So, you will see the web-page as per your html code🔥.
✳️Let’s move on Task-2:
🔅Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container.
🛡️Firstly, Do Check that python is already installed or not in docker container, if not then, install it:-
#python --version
🛡️If python version-2 has already installed but we have to use python version-3 so , install python3 by using command:-
#yum install python3
#python3 --version
🛡️Now, let’s write some code on Python interpreter:-
#python3Python 3.8.5 (default, Oct 2 2020, 14:25:46)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>> print("Task Completed Successfully!!")
Task Completed Successfully!!